16 - Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a tiny cabin in rural central Kentucky.  I have twice visited the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Park in Hodgenville, Kentucky.  First, in 1975:

...and then a second visit in 1978:


"My earliest recollection is of the Knob Creek place," Lincoln once said about the farm where his family lived from 1811 to 1816.  I visited Abraham Lincoln's Boyhood Home at Knob Creek in 1978:


Lincoln grew up at the farm in Indiana where his family lived from 1816 to 1830.  Although the building no longer exists, the site of the original cabin is outlined - Lincoln's mother is also buried at the site.  I have not yet visited the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial.

In 1830, the family left Indiana for Illinois, and Lincoln set out on his own.  He settled in New Salem, Illinois. Like many single young men of the time, he did not own a home; he often slept in a tavern or in his general store.  While there is no home, the village has been preserved.  I have not visited Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Park.

In 1837, Lincoln moved to Springfield, Illinois.  Over the next seven years, he lived in various inns, boarding houses, and taverns - all buildings that no longer exist.  In 1844, Lincoln purchased the home which remained his residence for the rest of his life.  I visited the Lincoln Home National Historic Site in 1975:

When Lincoln first came to Washington as a congressman, he lived in a boarding house that no longer exists (on the site of the current Library of Congress).  In 1861, he returned as president, and thus lived in the White House.  During the summers from 1862 to 1864, the Lincolns stayed on the grounds of the Soldiers' Home in Washington, DC.  I have not yet visited the Lincoln Cottage.

There is a monument on the spot where Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863.  I visited the Gettysburg National Cemetery in 1976:

On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth while attending a play in Washington DC.  I have visited Fords Theatre on several occasions.  This photo was taken in 2013 from our seats when we went to the theatre for a performance of the Laramie Project:

This photo was taken during a visit in 1982 with my nephew Brian.  I am seated in the chair where the presidents now sit when they attend performances at the theater:
The chair where Lincoln sat was held by the US Government as evidence then kept by the Smithsonian.  The widow of the owner of the theater petitioned the government, and upon its return, sold it at auction to Henry Ford.  I saw the chair at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, in 1979:

After he was shot, Lincoln was carried next door.  He died the following day, April 15, 1865.  I visited the Petersen House in 1977:

Abraham Lincoln is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.  I visited the Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site in 1975:

The Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC was dedicated in 1922.  I have visited many times over the years.  I love visiting the monuments in DC at night when they are illuminated so beautifully.  This is a photo taken with my parents during one of our evening visits in 1985:
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